Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Camino Winds by John Grisham 2020

 This is the second of this series by John Grisham. I'm not wild about the main character, Bruce, a wit who owns a bookstore.  The story was not that well told. I'm wondering if the Grish is running of steam, or maybe just hit a clunker.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Meet the Frugalwoods: Achieving Financial Independence through Simple Living by Elizabeth Willard Thames (2018)

 This is the personal journey of FIRE finance blogger Elizabeth Willard Thames to retirement at age 32.  It's pretty good writing, better than the blog, and a compelling account.  This is an important read.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Alone in Antarctica by Felicity Aston (2013)

 This is a personal account of a woman's ski trip across the Antarctic continent alone.  It's interesting how she keeps her sanity, or not.  At some point in the trip she starts talking to the sun, who becomes her best friend.  However, I don't think that much of her, as this is an ordeal by choice and although she didn't address I suspect it was potentially risky for others who would have to save her if things went south (so to speak).