Monday, September 16, 2019

The MVP Machine: How Baseball's New Nonconformists Are Using Data to Build Better Players by Travis Sawchik, Ben Lindbergh 2019

This is another great bit of sports journalist. These authors take on the subject of latest trends in player development in baseball. There's lots of good info here I can use to help the youngster, and this book really helps to explain what's going on in Major League Baseball. More home runs, more strike outs, better players, and a more boring game.  What makes sense for a team is bad for the sport generally.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Losing Earth: A Recent History by Nathaniel Rich 2018

This is a good bit of reporting about the politics of climate change from 1979-1989.  There was an awareness of the problem then that is just as clear as now.  It seemed the US was about the address the issue, and then the oil and gas people confused people on the science.

Looking back to 1979 provides an interesting perspective on the thing.  It may be that people don't respond to an emergency until they're nearly dead.