Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Dirty Life: On Farming, Food and Love by Kristin Kimball (2010)

This is first hand account of starting a farm and marrying a farmer by travel writer, Kristin Kimball.  She can write well, and the story is worth telling and hearing. It is about the transformation of a piece of land, and a life. It's about growing your own food, satisfaction, hard physical work, learning, and a long to do list.  Read it!

Friday, January 3, 2020

Fringe-ology: How I Tried to Explain Away the Unexplainable-And Couldn't by Steve Volk, 2011

Investigative journalist Steve Volk explores the paranormal and provides a personal ghost story and learns to dream lucidly. Other than the chapter on quantum physics, it's pretty easily digestible and interesting.  The main point?  Could have happened, or maybe it was imagined, or maybe it actually happened. Scientists and religious people should work together instead of working against each other.