Saturday, September 26, 2020

Soil and Sacrament: A Spiritual Memoir of Food and Faith by Fred Bahnson (2013)

This is a book written by a former divinity student, teacher and writer about his experiences with religious farms.  He is based in North Carolina and managed a community farm attached to a Methodist Church.  This is all about spirituality that gets its hands dirty, in a good way.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Dogs of Winter by Kem Nunn (1997)

 This is the second surf noir novel I've read by Kem Nunn.  This one is set in way way Northern California.  It involves conflict between a group of surfers and members of a local tribe.  It's an interesting story.  You get a good sense of place, and the characters are interesting.  And it's well written.  This one is better than the other one.