Monday, May 27, 2019

The Fifth Risk (2018) by Michael Lewis

This is good nonfiction. The theme is the impact of the Trump presidential victory on various government agencies and departments. Politics is in, expertise is out.  It's better than the usual current events political book.  There's an in depth look at various scientists with NOAA, USDA etc which makes it worth reading.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

grass in the middle yard oak tree circle

There was once an oak tree in the middle yard.

Then in about April 2016 we got a permit to remove it. It was breaking the foundation of the storage room.

We've decided we want grass.  Taoster put in drip irrigation and ordered 80 sq ft of St. Augustine and it's a little more than half installed.

Now, first day of summer, the grass is coming in thick  and lush green and is pretty well established...

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Odds Against Tomrrow by Nathaniel Rich (2013)

Novel about a neurotic smart guy who predicts disasters, and how a disaster changed him. It was okay.  It was easy, but not too meaty.  I wish I liked it more.