Friday, August 30, 2019

Playing for Pizza by John Grisham (2007)

This is novel about American football in Italy by legal thriller author, John Grisham.  This author is really branching out on this one.  Good for him.  It's a well told story in Grisham style about an un-Grisham like subject.  Read it!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Grind: Inside Baseball's Endless Season by Barry Svrluga (2015)

A look at the routines of players, management, scouts and others in the Washington Nationals throughout the 2014 season.  Major League Baseball is a traveling show.  There's always something new to learn about baseball.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World Book by David Epstein (2019)

In this book, sports and science journalist David Epstein explores how people become excellent. There's the Tiger Woods model of a guy who got in 10,000 hours of great practice by age 20. But that's the exception.  What usually happens is people experiment, meander, and then, if they do specialize, specialize late.  Late bloomers rule!

It's a well written and inspiring book.