Friday, December 29, 2017

Friday Night Lights (1990( by H.G. Bissinger

This is a documentary about the Permian Panthers, a high school football team from a small town in West Texas.  It is about the team, kids, and community.  It touches on local issues, historic problems of race, and the national economy as the drop in the price of oil severely impacted this oil town.  High school football is the center of this town.

There is a soap opera made in the 2000's of the same name, based on the book, which is excellent. It's discontinued now, but we're watching "reruns."  We're up to the fifth and final season. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve by Stephen Greenblatt (2017

This is a survey of the art, history and philosophy and finally science of the Adam and Eve story from day 1 to Darwin, and ends with the author's personal reflections of what the garden of Eden may have been like from observing chimpazees in the wild. 

It's good brain exercise, go for it.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

New York 2140 by Kim Stanley Robinson (2017

This is a a very creative story spinning out trends of income inequality and climate destruction to 2140 in New York.  The oceans rise 50 feet, and half of Manhattan is submerged.  But the city and its people are resilient.  We're idiots, but they survive.

There are lots of books that get at the same topic from a different angle. It's reassuring to see that others are taking this seriously.

This is a good read.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

making compost

I can get coffee grounds at the starbucks in the Hastings Plaza. They bag them up and just set them out for customers.

Also, Juice it Up! in Pasadena and Movita in Pasadena will give out compost.  This is the trash from the juicer.  I got a bag from each last Saturday.

I mixed it up with mulch from the yard, and put on the east side of the mango tree.

Let's see how long it takes to turn into the black gold.