Thursday, February 22, 2018

Two Kinds of Truth (2017( Michael Connelly

This is another serviceable murder mystery.  Connelly addresses contemporary issues of oxycontin addiction and homeless and has has Bosch going undercover as an aged pill shill. 

He's absolutely right what he says about the homeless at teh Court. I saw it today below the bus parking lot on Van Nuys.  They're everywhere.  Their camp has grown substantially since hte last time I was there. 

Read this one, to get a taste of the times.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

American War (2017( by Omar El Akkad

This is a novel about a second US civil war set in teh future between Reds (south( and Blues (north(. The war was over the federal sustainability Act, which the South resisted.

The most dominant world power at the time is the Boazzizi empire in the Middle East, which intervenes and prolongs the war.

An interesting read, well worth it.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Late Show by Michael Connelly (2017

This is the latest by LA crime fiction writer, Michael Connelly.  This is the first featuring detective Renee Ballard, who sleeps on the beach during the day and works "the late show" at night.  this is the  essentially 3 mysteries rolled into one. It's serviceable but inspired crime fiction.