Thursday, August 31, 2017

Paradise Lot: by Eric Toensmeier, Jonathan Bates (2013

Full title is: Paradise Lot: Two Plant Geeks, One-Tenth of an Acre, and the Making of an Edible Garden Oasis in the City (Paradise World)  by Eric Toensmeier, Jonathan Bates (2013

These are brainy educated hardworking guys who are on a mission to grow food and improve the planet. It's more than sustainability.  It's more than just not hurting stuff. It's actually improving stuff, being a good steward.

Their lot is in Massachusetts.  The weather is different there, so is the soil.  But the principles of regeneration and stewardship are the same.

I wonder if the world will be into this by the time you read this review.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Cross Country Meet today

It was James' first. He came in first in a field of 11 runners in the quarter mile K-2nd grade race at 1:46.