Sunday, May 31, 2020

batting mat

We had a problem in the cage.  We have a dirt batters box.  The balls are always kicking up dust.  Summer is worse than winter but it's a problem in the winter too.  If the balls get dirty and go in the machine, it could damage the motor. Also, there are deep holes where he stands.

So we ordered a batting mat online.  We paid about $525.00 for it. It came a few days ago and we installed it yesterday.  We haven't tried it yet but it sure looks a lot better.

It also fixed another problem.  There is the bottom of a low concrete wall sticking out in the back toward the fence.  The concern is a low pitch will hit it and bounce back and hit the batter. We're always having to adjust the backstop to prevent.  Now, the batting mat covers the concrete, so we don't have that issue.

James' new Diamondback

We had to replace James' bike. He said it was too small and he kept bumping his knees on the handlebars.  It is an old one.  We got it for him some years ago.

So we got one from a guy selling his on Craigslist.  We got an insight Diamondback, hybrid road bike/ mountain bike.  We paid $140.00.  There was some stuff wrong with it. The brakes didn't work well. It's supposed to be a 14 speed, but there's only 7.   The one gear changer we had didn't work well.

So we took her into Steve's at Altadena for a tuneup and new handles. It set us back $61, but James loves it and we ride it nearly every day.  I can't keep up with him. I may need a motor on mine.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Covid 19 bicycle

James and I have doing 3 rides a day ever since the lock down. A morning ride is about 1 mile, afternoon about 1.5 miles, and evening about 4 miles.  The distance is getting to me; it's the hills.

We decided to retire the Murray. It's a one speed without hand brakes.

We got a 7 speed cruiser at Steve's bike shop in Altadena for $370.00.

I had my first ride on it today.  James is still faster than me, but it's a lot easier getting up the hill.